Enrique Cal Pardo

Category: Priest, teacher and writer
Birth Date: 8th November 1922 († 28th april 2016)
Birth Place: Galdo, Viveiro (Lugo)

He was a Theology Professor at the Seminary in Mondoñedo (Lugo) from 1946 to 1967 and at the Theological Institute of Compostela (Santiago) from 1970 to 1992. He was the rector at the Seminary of Mondoñedo from 1956 to 1958. Since 1953, he has been an archivist canon at Mondoñedo's Cathedral and dean since 1979. From 1958 to 1966, he was pro-chancellor of the bishopric of Mondoñedo and diocesan director of the Apostolate of Prayer from 1958 to 1967.

 Work & Activities

He has published the following books: El Monasterio de la Isla de la Colleira, Madrid, 1983; El Monasterio de S. Salvador de Pedroso, A Coruña, 1984; Synodicon Hispanum. I. Galicia (Constituciones Sinodales de Mondoñedo), Madrid, 1981; Regesta de los documentos medievales, escritos en pergamino, del Archivo de la Catedral de Mondoñedo, Lugo, 1990; Mondoñedo - Catedral, Ciudad, Obispado- en el siglo XVI, Lugo, 1992; La Música de la Catedral de Mondoñedo, Lugo, 1996; Colección Diplomática Medieval del Archivo de la Catedral de Mondoñedo. Transcripción íntegra de los documentos, Santiago, 1999 and De Viveiro en la Edad Media, 1992. He has also written extensive articles about matters related to the Episcopate in Mondoñedo.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In 1946, he took a degree in Theology at 'Comillas' University in Santander.

He is doctor's degree at 'Comillas' University in Madrid in 1969.

He got 'Galicia' Bronze Medal (1998).

In June 2011 he was appointed Prelate of Honour by the Pope.