Salvador García-Bodaño Zunzunegui

Category: Writer, poet, critical of art, essayist and press columnist
Birth Date: 17th July 1935 ( † 7th march 2023)
Birth Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)


Although he was born in Vigo, he was brought up and studied in Santiago de Compostela. He was an attorney and one of the most important figures of the group 'Xeración das Festas Minervais' from the literary point of view. He was one of the founders of the Galician Socialist Party and secretary of Information and Propaganda during the first general elections.

 Work & Activities

He wrote the following poetry works: Ao pé de cada hora, Tempo de Compostela, texts for the book 37 debuxos para un país (drawings by F. Criado), Compostela, Obra Poética (with the new poems Poemas de amor a Xulia and As palabras e os días), Pegadas no alcatrán and Cidade Virtual (on the web page 'Biblioteca Virtual', A Coruña University). Narrative books: Os misterios de Monsieur D´Allier y los cuentos A pedra, Conto de Reis, O mosteiro and Ruth. He also published the journalism book De Onte a Hoxe. Ensaios xornalísticos, the critical biography: Rafael Dieste (Galician Academy), studies on painters, and several translations such as Viaxe por Galicia collected in The Bible in Spain by George Borrow. He collaborated in several collective books and homages to important people of Galician and Castilian culture. Some of his works are included in the most important anthologies of Galician poetry and have been translated into Italian, Russian, English, French and Brazilian.

 Other Interesting Aspects

In January 1960, he took part in the homage to Ramón Cabanillas organised by Santiago University. Some writers such as Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño, Uxío Novoneyra and Salvador García-Bodaño read poems in this homage. In 1963, he also participated in the celebration of the first Day of the Galician Letters ('Día das Letras Galegas') in a recital with Xohana Torres, Arcadio López-Casanova and Carlos Casares. In 1980, he was elected director of the first Association of Writers in Galician Language and president of the old Athenaeum in Santiago de Compostela. He was a member of the Galician Academy, a foundation member of 'Museo do Pobo Galego', the new Seminary of Galician Studies, the Association of Writers in Galician Language, 'O Galo' Cultural Group, the P.E.N. Club of Galicia, the Association of Translators in Galician Language, 'Carlos Maside' Museum of Contemporary Art, the Galician Institute of Information, 'Castelao' Foundation, the Galician Association of Books for children and young people and member of 'Pedrón de Ouro' Foundation.

He get the following prizes: First Prize of Galician and Castilian Poetry (Festas Minervais Universitarias, 1959), Spanish Criticism Prize (Galician Poetry) (1978), 'Xunta de Galicia' Prize (Cultural Creation) 1988 and Spanish Criticism Prize (Galician Narrative) 1993, among others.