María Xosé Noia Ansede

Pseudonym: Fefa Noia
Category: Actress
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After taking her degree on Germanic Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela in June 1997, she attended doctorate courses at the Literature Theory and Literary Criticism Department at the same university. In the year 2000, she entered the Institut für Theaterwissenschaft (Theatre Science Institute) and presented her thesis ‘Posibilidades de posta en escea do erotismo’, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich. She also enjoyed a scholarship of ‘Pedro Barrié de la Maza’ Foundation and participated in the following conferences: ‘Norma y transgresión en la lengua y literatura alemanas’ (October 1995), ‘Danés: Lengua y cultura’, Expolengua, Madrid (April 1996) and ‘V Jornadas de Filología Alemana: literatura actual austríaca. Entre la estética y la política’, English, German and French Philology Department, Oviedo University.
As far as her education as an actress in concerned, she attended courses on performance at ‘Cristina Rota’ Theatre School in Madrid, the seminar ’A dramaturxia ó servicio do actor: a orixinalidade da representación coma resultado da elección dunha tarefa escénica axeitada’ at ‘Cristina Rota’ Theatre School, the course for directors and professional actors (Natasha Project), ‘Galán’ Gallery (Santiago de Compostela), a course on Music-Hall at ‘Cristina Rota’ Theatre School, the postgraduate course ‘O arte dramático. Teoría e práctica da Interpretación’, Santiago de Compostela University (1997-98), the seminar ‘Interpretación ante la cámara’, Image and Sound School (A Coruña), seminars at Greek theatres, Euroclassica. Federation Européene des Associations de Professeurs de langues et de civilisation classiques (Athens), the seminar ‘Danza antigua y contemporánea’, University of Santiago de Compostela and in the press and public relations department, Residenztheater, Munich.

 Work & Activities

He participated as an actress in the group ‘Minerva Teatro’, directed by Roberto Leal in the following plays: ‘Xardín de outono’, by Diana Raznovich, ‘O soño de Hollywood’, by Manuel Noya, ‘La casa de Bernarda Alba’ [Poncia] and ‘Doña Rosita la soltera’ [Tía de Doña Rosita], by F.G. Lorca, ‘O que tal nos fixo Adán’, AAVV, ‘La cámara negra’, by Eugenio Granell, ‘Entreacto’, AAVV, ‘Collage para un Ultramarinos’, AAVV, ‘K’, by Franz Kafka, ‘Des-contos’, (several authors) and ‘Todo sen a pasta’, (several authors); in the group ‘Galileo Teatro’ (1995-99), directed by Pedro Rubín Garrido, in the following plays: ‘Descubrir a lectura é un espectáculo’, ‘Trasnos’, by Rafael Dieste, ‘Nenerías’, by Fefa Noia and ‘O pauto do demo’, by Ánxel Fole; in the play ‘Primeiro Movemento para Figuras Brancas’, performed at the Millenium Festival because of the European Cultural Capital Status and in the group ‘Matarile Teatro’, directed by Ana Vallés (2000-02) in the plays: ‘Rose war blau’ and ‘Totentanz’, Festspielhaus, Munich. She also collaborated as an assistant director in ‘Calígula’, by Albert Camus at the Galician Dramatic Centre. In 2002, she collaborated as an assistant director of ‘Teatro de la Abadía’ Foundation (Madrid) in ‘Memoria de un Olvido’, by Luis Cernuda, ‘El Rey Lear’, by W. Shakespeare, ‘El Rey se muere’, by Eugène Ionesco and ‘Garcilaso, el Cortesano’, by Garcilaso de la Vega.
As far as the audiovisual sector is concerned, she collaborated as an actress in the following shorts: ‘Bos Modais’ (1996), directed by Inés Peleteiro and Teté Rocamonde, O Pranto (1997), directed by David Santamaría and ‘Unha impecable Soidade’ (1998), directed by Rossana Díaz and in the following advertising campaigns: ‘Camiño de Santiago’ (Continental Produccións, 1998) and ‘Siemens’ (Ammerbacher Media Visisons GmbH. Nuremberg, directed by Steinlein, 2002). She also participated as an actress and scriptwriter in the programme ‘A Casa da Tralla’, Radio Ser Galicia, directed by Luis Bello.
Besides, she is the author of ‘Nenerías’, first performed on 29th February 1995 at ‘Sala Galán’ (Santiago de Compostela), the version of ‘O pauto do demo’ by Ánxel Fole, first performed on 2nd May 1997 (‘Círculo de Bellas Artes’, Lugo), ‘Leality Show’, first performed on 25th February 1997 at ‘Ultramarinos’ (Santiago), ‘Sen prescripción médica’, first performed on 21st July 1997 at ‘Granell’ Foundation (Santiago de Compostela) and ‘Morte dun Viaxante’, translated into Galician from ‘Death of a Salesman’ by Arthur Miller in ‘Cuadernos del Centro Dramático Gallego’ (Ed. Xerais).
In 1999, he published ‘O tratamento da novela grega en Grego busca Greega de Friedrich Dürrenmatt’ in the magazine ‘Myrthia’, no 14, Murcia University. Besides, she participated in the report ‘Granell Feiticeiro’ in the International Conference on Surrealism homage to Granell at ‘Salonteatro’ (Santiago). She was also the author of the report and publication ‘Keine Blicke durch Schlüssellöcher mehr. Sexualität, Ästhetik und Perspektive in Elfriede Jelineks. Die Klavierspielerin’ in the fourth conference of the Federation of Associations of Germanists in Spain (Santiago University).