Larraitz Urruzola Tolosa

Category: Actress
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She attended the following courses on theatre given by Jorge Rey and organized by ‘Arco da Vella’ Cultural Association (Santiago), interpretation (Martín Aljemián and Augusto Fernándes), voice (Jesús Aladrén) and body language (Judith Wayner), organized by the Association of Actors and the Consellería de Cultura (Xunta Galicia), three courses on voice at Tántara School, given by Jesús Aladrén (1992, 1993 and 1994) and an introductory course on Galician Language, organized by the Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Xunta de Galicia) in 1991. In November 1996, she attended the ‘Jornadas Internacionales sobre Teatro y Niño’ in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa).

 Work & Activities

In 1996, she created ‘Teatro Buratini, performing for the first time ‘Historia do pequeno Muck’ (1996; teatro), ‘A gaita que facía a todas bailar’ (1997; teatro), ‘O bosque animado’ (1998), ‘Contos para todo o ano (1998; theatre and puppets), ‘O pazo de papel’ (2000; theatre and puppets) and ‘Palabras de Caramelo’ (2003; theatre and puppets).

She carried out over 1100 performances, participating in the following national and international theatre and puppet festivals:
“Titirilandia 2000” (Madrid).
“Feria de titelles de Lleida”, 2001 (Lérida).
“Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Tolosa - Titirijai”, 2001 (Basque Country).
“Gijón en el país de los títeres”, 2001 (Asturias).
“Asturias Cultural”.
“Programación Cultural Cajastur”.
“Titirimax 2002”, Collado - Villalba (Madrid).
“Festival de Navidad”, Pradillo Gallery, 2002 (Madrid).
“Mostra de rialles”, 2002 (Catalonia).
International Puppet Festival, 2003 (Alicante).
“Circuito Títeres en el Camino”, 2003 (Huesca).
“Titirimundi 2002”, International Puppet Festival, 2002 (Segovia).
“Circuito Menudo Teatro”, 2005 (Huesca).
Puppet Festival, 2005 (Redondela).
“Festival Internacional de teatro de Bonecos Belo Horizonte”, 2002 (Brazil).
“Festival internacional de teatro de Bonecos de Canela”, 2002 (Brazil).

From 1989 to 1994 he worked as an catres for ‘Teatro Cachirulo’, participating in the following puppet performances: ‘A bela e a besta’ (1989), ’Noite de verán’ (1991), ’Xoguetes’ (1992) and ’Pinocho’ (1993).
In 1995, she participated in ‘O Principiño’ with ‘Urgu y Bluff: Teatro do Liló’.

 Other Interesting Aspects

From 1997 up to the moment, she has worked as a theatre instructor in several primary schools, art schools, cultural associations, Concellería da Muller, etc…