Joaquín Caridad Arias

Category: Painter, writer and sportsman
Birth Date: 16th August 1927
Birth Place: Lugo
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He took a doctor's degree in Modern Philology and diplomas of English, German, French and Russian at Language Schools. He is an expert in Cryptography. He has been working in the field of comparative Toponymy and Anthroponymy for the last forty years, analysing all the toponymical, archaeological, epigraphical, mythical, historical and documental materials over the whole Western European cultural field, mainly the old Gallaecia, in order to identify the olf pre-Roman names hidden behind a Latin, Galician or Castilian appearance. Nowadays, he is a member of the 'Institutum Canarium' (Vöcklabuck, Austria) and works on similar themes in the field of the pre-Hispanic culture of the Canary Isles.

 Work & Activities

-Toponimia y Mito. El origen de los nombres, Oikos-Tau, 1995.

-El Noms de Catalunya, Oikos-Tau, 1997.

-El Maresme en el marco de las religiones precristianas, Oikos-Tau, 1998.

-Cultos y Divinidades de la Galicia prerromana, Fundación P. Barrié de la Maza, 1999.

-Tenerife, Überlegungen zur herkunft des Namens, Institutum Canarium, Viena, 2000.

-Los fenómenos de homonimia y homofonía en la toponomástica y su repercusión en las etimologías cultistas (CD-ROM).

-Toponimia céltica de Galicia, Diputación de Lugo, 2005.

He also collaborates in:

-ANALES, Instituto de Estudios Madrileños (CSIC).

-ALMOGAREN, Institutum Canarium (Viena).

-CENTRO E PERIFERIA (language, translation and poetry), AULIGA, Madrid.

Within his artistic activity, he painted in oils, etching and xylography. Julia Minguillón and Luis Novo taught him oil painting in Lugo and Julio Pascual taught him etching in Toledo. Then he worked with members of 'Madrid School'. He made some exhibitions and posters in Spain, Germany, Holland, Sweden and U.S.A. He took part in the following exhibitions and contests: National Fine Arts Exhibition (honourable mention). National Painting and Engraving Contests. 'Art Promotion' Exhibition at 'Rodríguez Acosta' Foundation. Zeitgenössicher Kunst (Hamburg). 'Ejército' prize for Painting and Engraving (he got two second prizes). National Plastic Arts Contest (first prize). National Exhibition of Sacred Art (second medal). 'Fast painting in the open air', Puerto de la Cruz (first prize).

 Other Interesting Aspects

Sports: He is very keen on canoeing. He took part in the descent to the river 'Sella' (on three occasions), Avilés Estuary, 'Miño Cup (Lugo), descent to the river 'Ulla', descent to the river 'Miño' (Os Peares, Ourense), crossing of Sanabria lake, Lagunas de Ruidera, descent to the river 'Rhine' (Wiesbaden, Koblenz). He got several prizes. Spanish runner-up in modern pentathlon (race walking, riding, fencing, shot and swimming). He was seeded in this speciality for the Olimpic Games in Rome (1960).