Celso Currás Fernández

Category: Politician, professor
Birth Date: 17th July 1953
Birth Place: Trabada (Lugo)

-Doctor's degree in Philosophy and Sciences of Education.
-Degree in Psychology and Teaching.
-He belongs to the Corps of Education Inspectors.
-He was Director General of Formation and Employment within the 'Consellería de Familia, Muller e Xuventude', 'Conselleiro de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria' and deputy of the Galician Parliament in the province of Lugo.

 Work & Activities

-He wrote some books about education and employment and published articles and research works.
-He presented reports in different congresses and symposia.
-Member of the editorial staff and board of directors of several professional magazines.
-Formation or refresher courses.
-He got several prizes and honourable titles.